Versione italianaCross Country rally world championship


For its sportive and turistical characteristics, Rally is an event that in many years has known such a tecnhical and agonistic development, to recall a large amount of public, the interest of the specialised media and of the European television networks, fascinated by this Mediterranean Challenge, very next to Africa where are held the tiring and famous Rallies of the desert.
Rally of Sardinia contributed in twenty years to make popular this motorbike speciality, which often is held away from the cities and often in an inaccessible places difficult to reach, and following a path which is secret until the competition starts.
In fact it has been created an information service using the daily press, (traslated in english languages) TV and radio to indicate the most suggestive stages, from the ambiental point of view, and at the same time interesting for the agonistic and sportive side, thanks to a timing service to check the times of the selective sections and the classifications.
The most important TV network of Sardinia, broadcasts via satellite in all Europe, dedicates to Rally a 6 minutes daily special, many TV networks in several Italian regions broadcasts specials at the end of the challenge and the same do Nuvolari and Sportitalia.
This creates a growing return of imagine for the sponsors, the pilots and the teams.


RAI - transmission “Numero Uno”,  RaiDue, saturday 7 and sunday 14 of may.
Motor TV Broadband Television (
Nuvolari (Platform Sky canale 216)
LA7 (friday 9 of june at  23,00)
Videolina – in the days 8-9-10-11-13 (special of  5 minutes)
Planning and Diffusion
Blu Lombardia (Lombardia) Wednesday at 18,30
TCA (Trentino) Saturday at  20,45
TNE (Veneto) Saturday at 13,00
Telearcobaleno (Liguria) Saturday at 13,00
Teleromagna (Emilia Romagna) hours to define
Tele 37 (Toscana) Saturday at  21,15
TV1 (Toscana) Friday at  22,30
TV9 (Toscana) Thursday at  21,15
Retesole (Toscana) Sunday at  22,30
Retesole (Umbria) Sunday at  23,40
TeleStudio (Umbria) Wednesday at  21,00
TeleStudio (Lazio) Wednesday at  21,00
TeleIn (Lazio) All days at 17.30/19,00/24,00/05,00
Retesole (Lazio) Sunday at 22,30
TeleStudio (Campania) Wednesday at  21,00
TGS (Sicilia) Tuesday at  22,30
TRS (Sicilia) Monday at 23,30
Circuit “Racing Team”
Planning and diffusion
via satellite tv
Italiani nel Mondo Channel (SKY, canale 888) Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday at  16,30
Telecolore (SKY, Canale 849) Friday at  16,00 and at  23,30
 Via etere tv (weekly)
CDS, Teleprima Caserta, Teleuniverso, Telepontina,Televomero, Telecolore, Italiamia, Italiamia2, Telesud
Via etere diffusion
Campania, Molise, Lazio, Abruzzo, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicilia orientale
Days and hours
Italiani nel Mondo Channel Tuesday, Thursday and saturday at 16,30
CDS Thursday at  00,04, friday at 04,00, saturday at 02,00 and sunday at  8,30
Teleprima, Thursday at  19,30, saturday at  17,00 and sunday at  13,00
Teleuniverso, Saturday at  00,00, Wednesday at 12,30, more repetitions
Telepontina, Monday at  22,00, Tuesday at  22,00, Thursday at  22,00
Televomero, Monday at  19,00 more repetitions
Telecolore Salerno, Friday at 16,00 and at  23,30, more repetions
Italiamia, Saturday at 23,30 (repite  canal 888 Sky)
Sunday at 24,00 (repite canal 888 Sky)
Italiamia2, Monday at  20,35, Thursady at Giovedì  (canal 888 Sky)
Circuit “Sprint Italia Motori”
Planning and diffusion
Canale11 (Emilia Romagna) Saturday at  20.35 Sunday at  21,55
Video Regione (Emilia Romagna) Saturday at 20.35 Sunday at  21,55
Erreuno TV (Emilia Romagna) Saturday at 20.35 Sunday at 21,55
DT TV (Emilia Romagna) Saturday at 20.35 Sunday at 21,55
Rete 8 (Emilia Romagna) Wednesday at  20.30 Friday at  23,30
Nuova Rete (Emilia Romagna) Friday at 23.30
Tele 2000 (Emilia Romagna) Saturday at 19.00

Rally di Sardegna
GLE - Good Looking Entertainment
Winner Rally of Sardinia 2007: Marc Coma
Regione Autonoma della Sardegna
Regione Autonoma della Sardegna

Motoclub Sardegna
FIM UEM Federmoto